Today's blog post comes to you again from Brendan Crow. Brendan has been with us for the last four weeks helping us run our summer camp program. He has been instrumental in both the Science and English programs, and has evened out the boy to girl ratio, probably for the first time in Manna's history. Brendan, it's been a pleasure, we'll be sad to see you go next week! Come back and visit soon!
During my travels through Guate, my goals were simply to practice the
Spanish I was learning and find a feasible way to stay in Guatemala
for the near future. Then, a friend of mine gave me a lead with Manna Project in Guatemala and the timing couldn't have been better to help run their
5 week summer camp program. Now I'm living with
3 fantastic people that make up the heart and soul of MPI Guatemala. It has felt like I
joined the family for a month to get a taste of the good life. Since
living in Sololá, I've been able to use my Spanish in the daily routines here
from navigating the market to preparing lesson plans for the week.

As for the summer camp, I've rediscovered my youthful days, though
only half the energy I used to have. Soccer, basketball, and the
all-time-favorite cat and mouse game (Gato y Ratones!) have brought me back to
the treasured days of after-school programs. We have pick-up soccer or
basketball before camp begins in the mornings, then class begins. I specifically help with Science and English. The purpose of science is learning through experiments. Lots of
experiments. All planned around the ecosystem of the week, we've had a
test of floatation in freshwater vs. salt water, smell tests of foods
found in the rainforest, and even a semi-realistic version of quicksand
(no kids were lost in the quicksand). This week we're in the Urban
Ecosystem and decided to design a city made of paper.
The strategy of providing the hands on activities
for the kids applies to English as well, however, with Roberto as the
lead teacher I play more of a supporting role through lesson planning
and assisting in the classroom. All of the kids have had 1 or 2 classes
of English in the past, so after reviewing fruits and numbers through
games of papa caliente (hot potato), Roberto and I decided to create a
market in the classroom with fake money and real fruit. Turned out to be
a huge success, and reminded me a little of what I felt like the first
time in a Guatemalan market.

The past four weeks have flown by, and I'm sure the last one will too. Camp has been great,
and I've had the bonus of attempting Kaqchikel at the same
time as Spanish. In a couple weeks, I'm onto see more of the country
before heading home, but I consider myself lucky to have found this group for the short-term.
All the best,
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