Two weeks ago we were invited to celebrate Día de la
Independencía with our school in Chaquijyá. Celebrating in Guatemala often
means dancing and Día de la Independencía was no exception. Each grade put on one
or more dances and we were invited to dance as well. Since Kelsey was visiting
home, it was just Dana, Cameron and me performing. Being rhythmically
challenged, I have a few rules when it comes to mandatory group dances:
practice a lot and get a place in the back. However, much to my dismay, we began
learning the dance at 9PM the night before and with three people there was
nowhere to hide. We had a great musical mash-up created by Dana and thanks to
several YouTube videos we also had most of our dance moves. I really nailed the
chicken dance and YMCA sections, however, Souja Boy was another story. If you
think that dance is just jumping from side to side wiggling your arms, like I
did, you would be wrong. So we enlisted the help of a YouTube instructor to
teach us the real Souja Boy dance. Dana and Cameron caught on pretty fast, but
with his clothing engulfing his body I found it impossible to see the moves
that the guy on the video was doing. Maybe he just lost several hundred pounds
and if that’s the case, congratulations sir!
day of the performance rolled around very quickly, probably because we learned
it the night before. We threw on our matching outfits in the color of the
Guatemalan flag. We also stuck a paper flag on Cameron’s shirt to really drive
home the patriotic reference. The performances began with the 6th
grade boys displaying amazing endurance in their 20-minute dance, which
included the worm and some impressive break-dancing moves. I was glad to see
that they had only learned their dance the night before as well. The third grade
class performed a traditional dance that showed the girls and boys taking on
some traditional female and male roles: the girls making tortillas and the boys
working in the fields.

the performances we had a traditional Guatemalan lunch and got to enjoy several
exciting soccer games before heading home. It had been a great day. We danced,
laughed and played. I’m fairly certain I have never had that much fun on a 4th
of July in the US. There’s nothing like a little public humiliation to really
make a great celebration and I can’t wait until the next Guatemalan holiday…
we’re going to teach the kids how to do the Chicken Dance!
Where's the video?
ReplyDeleteWorking on it.. My camera died right beforehand, but we're performing again on Tuesday.