Tuesday, October 30, 2012

(Tuesday) Snapshot: Retreat in Monterrico!

So... sorry for the huge delay in the Snapshot for this week. We spent a lovely weekend in Monterrico, a town on Guatemala's Pacific Coast, and we got back much later than expected. There are worse places to be stuck for a few hours... ;)

Here are some pics of the fun things we did this weekend!

Sunrise tour of a Mangrove Nature Reserve.

Our tired selves post-tour, with the flower necklaces our guide made us!
We also got to witness a "turtle liberation." I find the whole logistics of it rather confusing, but basically people could pay to free a baby turtle. You bought your turtle, held it for a little while, and then released it to the ocean. It was probably one of the cutest things I've ever witnessed.

Baby turtles making their way to the ocean!

Aside from the beauty and excitement of our trip, we got a lot of work done as well. We did a few cultural awareness activities, brainstormed programs for next year, planned for our upcoming camp, and much more.

Hard at work!
All in all, it was a relaxing, productive, and DELICIOUS weekend. The place we stayed at (Johnny's Place) had some of the best smoothie concoctions of all time, with only the freshest ingredients. Mmm. I already miss them.

We are looking forward to enjoying some vacation days this week (somehow around finishing planning camp) for Day of the Dead. Esteban, the principal of Central Primaria, invited us to participate in a Day of the Dead activity with him on Friday, and we are very excited about getting to see how people celebrate this holiday first hand! And then we dive straight into four weeks of camp! Crazy!

Well, TTFN!

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