Friday, September 21, 2012

Goal Reached!

As of this evening, we reached our goal of selling 100 T-shirts (courtesy of for the Bottle School Project!!! Your support and generosity during this campaign these past weeks have been truly amazing and a testament to the positive impact we are all capable of making as a team. As stated previously via social media and past blog posts, the profits will go directly towards funding the labor, renovation, and construction costs of the Central School in the community of Chaquijyá.

The final number of T-shirts sold came right at 101, which will allow the profit of $1762.45 to go towards the school!! We, the MPI-Guatemala team, are so excited to see the development of the construction efforts leading up to the opening of this section of the school in possibly January (Just in time for the new school year to begin!). The very image of all the kids filling these new classrooms, come next school year, is such a powerful and encouraging one to imagine. Before we know it, this image will become a reality and we have each one of you to thank for that.

Not only will they physically have these classrooms to further their education, but they will also have the opportunity to fully realize their potential and learn to develop it in these classrooms. The students will no longer have to learn in a crowded classroom, separated merely by a temporary, tin divider with another. The teachers will be able to use these new classrooms more effectively in educating these children. The school will be able to enroll more students due to the new space. The benefits are endless to this community and especially, to these students and those of future generations of Chaquijyá.

Again, we want to thank you for your support in helping fund and/or advertise this campaign these past two weeks! It would simply not have been possible without your efforts. We will keep this blog updated with the progress of the Bottle School Project and of course, when the school finally opens, lots and lots of photographs of the smiling students :)


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